Hidden Treasure

Part of Garden Bloggers Buffa10, Buffalo, NY, July 2010

63 Cary Street, Buffalo, NY
63 Cary Street, Buffalo, NY

Right around the corner from the Buffa10 hotel, the Embassy Suites Buffalo, is a cul-de-sac named Cary Street. I discovered it by accident when I was trying to find the entrance to the hotel when I drove into Buffalo yesterday. I missed the entrance, and pulled into the first street I found to turn around: Cary Street.

The homes are detached cottages of modern construction, but in Buffalo’s vernacular brick Victorian style. No two houses are alike. And most of them have beautiful front-yard gardens.


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5 thoughts on “Hidden Treasure

  1. aloha,

    i love the slide show, what is the name of the slide show host, i would love to do this for more extensive pictures, thanks for sharing

  2. I love seeing such exuberance in front of new construction! Around here, it seems that all new construction means cookie-cutter, boring but tasteful landscaping.

  3. Jim: Good to meet you, too! Glad we had a chance to knibble.

    Melissa: Isn't it? It feels like some of these gardens are young, maybe 2-3 years old, and are still coming into their own. Would be great to see them again in a few years to see how they've grown.

    noel: I use Flickr for all my photos. Any set of photos on Flickr can be viewed as a slideshow, and the HTML for the slideshow can be customized and embedded in another site, such as this blog.

    BG: The use of the "vernacular" architecture on this block was an important design choice. it really relates these homes to their surroundings, and to Buffalo at large.

    The gardens are another vernacular altogether, as you'll see when I get more photos uploaded and linked.

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