City Nature Challenge (CNC) 2023 is happening at the end of this month, from Friday, April 28, through Monday, May 1. Since 2019, I’ve been a Brooklyn “Borough Captain” for New York City’s participation.
This year, there are events happening all over Brooklyn on both Saturday and Sunday of CNC. All events listed here are free and open to the public. Some may offer, or recommend, registration.

You can find a complete list of all New York City CNC 2023 events on the official iNaturalist Project.
Earth Day, Saturday, April 22
Prospect Park
11am-1pm: I’ll be leading an iNaturalist Workshop, at the Audubon Center (Lullwater Boathouse). No registration needed.
Saturday, April 29
Prospect Park
10am-12noon: I’ll be your guide for City Nature Challenge 2023, at the Audubon Center (Lullwater Boathouse). No registration needed.
Erie Basin Park
10am-2pm: Billion Oyster Project (BOP) Oyster Research Station (ORS) BioBlitz. Registration.
Sunday, April 30
Green-Wood Cemetery
10am-1pm: City Nature Challenge: Family Fun with Genspace, at the Green-Wood Historic Chapel. Registration recommended.
Brooklyn Bridge Park
10am-2pm: Billion Oyster Project (BOP) Oyster Research Station (ORS) BioBlitz, at Pier 5 Picnic Peninsula Playground.
Domino Park
10am-2pm: Billion Oyster Project (BOP) Oyster Research Station (ORS) BioBlitz, at the north end of Domino Park, near Grand Street. Registration.
Herbert Von King Park
1-2:30pm: CNC Bed-Stuy Community Science, at lawn area near Greene Ave and Marcy Ave. No registration needed.
Hi CHris,
I am Hanna. I have begun planting the Flatbush Malls on East 17th Street with native plants and restoring the space to be a more valiant contributor of habitat. I am working with the South Midwood Pollinators who are planting the Flatbush mall of Glenwood Road with native plants. Virginia Levie and Gill Smith are involved, if you by chance know them
I am rounding up any local gardeners I come across in hopes of eventual collaboration on this or projects. If you are interested in keeping up with us, be in touch. Best, Hanna